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Food, good, and not so good.

Hello again and welcome back to my blog, in this post I will tell you a bit about food for westies. I decided on this because westies are so notorius for their digestion. Although they will tell you otherwise you really need to stop your westie from eating everything they find on the floor, they like it then but they don't like it the next day when they are sick.

Nevertheless there is a way to reduce their sick time, by choosing their food carefully.

First you should get a list of food that westies can usually eat from the internet, e.g carrot, bran, salmon oil etc... then for as long as you need it stick it on your fridge or somewhere else convenient and try to explore what works for your dog. When you do find what works for them try to stick to it and get a routine for it, after we did this for our dog she has stopped throwing up and getting sick by a lot.

Good luck and see you next time!

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